No one will deny the incredible impact that our current pandemic has had on all of us, and musicians were one of those who were hit the hardest, considering that all live shows across the globe vanished almost overnight. Suddenly, the world felt like it was no longer singing, and the nervous quiet vibe was permeating everything, and for a time, hope was not easy to find. Eventually, the world started to sing again, and artists started to show up with new music videos, live concerts from their homes, and now, with New Jersey’s own The Finite Beings with their latest inspired single The Virus, an infectious new rock ballad that aims to remind everyone that this too shall pass and that we will overcome this through learning to connect once again.

Upon first listen, without paying closer attention to the lyrics from this alt-rock band, one might mistake this song for being far more somber than it is. We tend to make that mistake when we do not take a complete look at the entire painting, or in this case, a full look at the entire song itself.
It hits with those gloomy and grungy slow guitar strikes and 90’s inspired distortion, and I am reminded of bands like Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, but upon closer inspection there is also some APC meets Sunny Day Real Estate, and therein lies the complexity in what sounds like a simple song.

If you are a lyric listener like I am, then you will appreciate that this song may deal with a dark theme, but it levels off that hard edge by inspiring hope in a better day ahead, and you can’t help but feel like we are all in this together and that this really is going to be alright; as long as we conquer the liar that is fear itself.

For these three skilled musicians, Michael Nicholas on vocals and drums, Donny DePaola on Guitar and Hunter Kino on both Guitar and Bass, they sure do make a large thunderous sound. I was sure there was a fourth member in here somewhere, and that is what a solid band can achieve when they have great chemistry.

The Virus does not officially drop until August 18, 2020, so if you want to get yourself acquainted with the band beforehand, head over to their Spotify artist page today and see all the other great music that they have released.
Stay safe out there listeners, and make sure to support the artists that are all working overtime to help make isolation easier on us all.