When I so luckily stumbled across Tasmanian singer-songwriter Bully Hay and his previous stellar release Wash Off The World I just knew that this was an artist that I would be adding to the soundtrack of my life and carrying with me into the unknown times ahead, because heartfelt songs written as Bully Hay writes are in a word, healing, and in another word, inspiring, and with the release of his latest single and music video titled Black Dogs and Songbirds, Bully Hay has solidified his place as one of my new favorite artists.

Black Dogs and Songbirds is a haunting song, much like a sea shanty of sorts without the usual accompanied strangeness that such a traditional folk genre has to offer. Instead, what we have here is a song that although sung from the lips of an artist is truly sung from this great artist’s heart. In a time where more and more musicians are aggressively looking to find a way into the trending algorithm to find their success by any means, and by copying anyone’s style that seems to be working, authentic songs like Black Dogs and Songbirds written by true soulful and worldly artists such as Bully Hay cut right through all that that vapid bullshit and hit us right in our souls.

I think that sometimes we forget that art is meant to transport and transform us, and not just meant to be played in the background of our daily lives as simple elevator music. A song like Black Dogs and Songbirds is not just a song meant to tap your foot to, but rather a message from another human that is trying his best to be heard the way that he needs to be heard. As an author myself I have always seen the creation of art as my best way to heal through the darkest of times, to celebrate the best of life’s moments, to speak with a world that may never get a chance to meet me, to feel less alone in a crowded room, to give thanks to God for another day to try and get things right, and to be of service to my fellow humans by offering them a shard of truth in a realm of lies, and on some level I truly believe that Bully Hay approaches the creation of his music much in the same way. I could be projecting a bit here, but after hearing Black Dogs and Songbirds I feel that I may have found a kindred spirit in Bully Hay.

In the artists own words “The name Black Dogs and Songbirds is a metaphor for the waves I experience in life. Crushing lows and lofty high’s. Nothing ever seems to run in a straight line”, Bully says.

“When the Black Dogs are in control, bad thoughts, ideas and bad habits seep in. When the Songbirds are about, beautiful and fulfilling things happen.”

“The song itself is loosely based on myself in a Black Dog moment. It’s about isolating oneself, obsessing on all of the faults that become exhausting and trying to manage various addictions. It’s wishing someone would take it away, chase away the Black Dogs and bring you back to reality or at least a safe non-destructive place.”

Black Dogs and Songbirds is a simple song with some beautifully complex elements. Where it starts out with only a ukelele and Bully Hay singing, it is not long until the string section comes in to add that familiar drama that has become the signature stamp of Jeff Martin of The Tea Party. When I say that this song is mixed to perfection I mean it. I have listened to this song on everything from laptop speakers to midrange headphones to high-end audio speakers and in all forms this song absolutely shines. With no exaggeration here, I truly feel that what Bully Hay has created with Black Dogs and Songbirds is nothing short of an instant classic.

Something that I find intriguing about the way Bully Hay writes is that he is a bit of a juxtaposition. On one hand his songs have a melancholic feeling, but on the other they are hopeful and happy. Where the lyrics might start off introspective, they gravitate towards a larger conversation with the listener. And when you think you might be able to write a simple song as this only then do you realize the emotional complexity of how it was beautifully hand-crafted into existence. Songwriting is Bully Hay’s divine gift. I have no question about that.

Black Dogs and Songbirds ushers in Bully Hay as an important artist to pay close attention to, and upon hearing this new single this makes his upcoming album of the same name the one that I am most excited to hear this year.  




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